Este el título que le da al founder Damian Thompson en un artículo del Daily Telegraph


Gracias por mandarme el link, me he reído un rato. Está bien poder reír a mandíbula batiente de cosas que una vez hicieron sufrir.

Dice Thompson que hace años entrevistó a un distinguido sacerdote, ¿sería por azar el checo Vladimir Felzman? que de joven había sido numerario, y que se quedó con la boca abierta cuando dicho sacerdote le contó que san Josemaría había colocado micrófonos en la sede central del Opus Dei con la finalidad de grabar las conversaciones de las visitas que estaban esperándole en la sala.

También las directoras me hicieron esperar con frecuencia en la salita de la Delegación antes de aparecer ¿habría micrófonos o cámaras ocultas viendo lo que hacía mientras esperaba? que interesante ver a alguien hojeando una revista o mirando el reloj y pensando ¿dónde estará esta directora? ¿por qué tarda tanto?...

"¿Cómo sabes que es verdad?" le preguntó el periodista al cura,  "porque yo ayudé a ponerlos".

 Si Felzman y Carmen Tapia en su libro se han ido de la lengua, se comprende mejor que Pilar Urbano diera la explicación pertinente en El hombre de Villa Tevere, aquello de que eran altavoces ¿para hablar a sus hijas sin moverse de sus aposentos? quien tenga un "Hombre de Villa Tevere" a mano por favor que verifique el asunto de los altavoces y nos lo cuente.
 El Vaticano rechazó el testimonio de este ex numerario en el proceso de beatificación. De hecho se rechazaron el de otras personas que no pusieron micrófonos pero que lo conocieron muy bien desde la primera hora como Miguel Fisac.
Todos los santos tienen fallos, reconoce el periodista, pero lo que uno no se espera es que vayan a compartir los de Richard Nixon

El Opus Dei planea abrir dos nuevos colegios de "educación diferenciada" en el sudeste de Gran Bretaña, o por utilizar el lenguaje caro a la organización "un grupo de padres, algunos de los cuales pertenecen al Opus Dei como podrían pertenecer al Manchester United,  ha decidido abrir un colegio inspirado en las enseñanzas de san Josemaría".

"Seguro que Escrivá es santo, ya está en el santoral, pero también era un maniático del control espiritual, un snob y un vanidoso. Mientras algunos de sus seguidores son cristianos ejemplares" ¿cuáles y por qué?, "el "ethos" del Opus molesta a muchos otros católicos, incluyendo a miembros destacados del episcopado".

Me temo que deben quedar pocos obispos a los que el Opus moleste, Juan Pablo II hizo un buen trabajo con los nombramientos.

"Un sacerdote que conozco solía escuchar las confesiones en un colegio de primaria regentado por el Opus Dei. Era inquietante oír a críos de siete años acribillados por escrúpulos propios de adultos, preocupados porque su disposición hacia el sacramento no era lo suficientemente pura y sus pecados no podrían ser perdonados."
Añadió que una profesora de una escuela del Opus Dei se enorgullecía de haber convencido a un niño de prescolar de prescindir de su osito de peluche en Cuaresma.
¿En qué va a ayudar en su vida espiritual a un niño pequeño quedarse sin su osito, algo tan normal y tan reconfortante?"

"También nos podemos preguntar ¿cómo van los numerarios del Opus Dei a desarrollar sanas relaciones con el otro sexo cuando se les prohíbe viajar juntos a hombres y mujeres en el mismo coche? incluso si el hombre es un cura, las numerarias lo tienen prohibido.
Entre la cocina y el comedor en un centro del Opus Dei hay un espacio en el que las mujeres dejan los platos a los hombres para no verse, así los hombres no se distraen con la "carne" femenina.
El Opus Dei en Inglaterra se ha aprovechado de la torpeza de los obispos católicos. La huella del Opus Dei está en una nueva web llamada "Catholic Voices" (lo acabo de comprobar y sin ninguna duda, esas Catholic Voices son el Opus Dei, su léxico y sintaxis los delatan, además de sus pretensiones). Tienen una creciente presencia en cierto seminario, y antes de la visita del Papa a Reino Unido consiguieron poner de portavoz para la beatificación de John Henry Newman a un hombre de marcado acento español." ¿Dicen que es un tal Jack Valero?

Cardenal Newman, (1801-1890) célebre converso del anglicanismo beatificado en 2010
"El Opus Dei siempre responde cuando es criticado, seguro que negaran todo lo que he dicho. Sin embargo sus expertos "reclutadores" no dudan en organizar elegantes cócteles católicos a la caza y captura de atractivos/as jóvenes profesionales a los que enganchar. Bueno, perdón, eso lo hacen los de la Cienciología, pero es un error fácil de cometer, confundir el Opus Dei con la Cienciología."

Y una de las excentricidades de las 10 que mejor no saber sobre Santorum, candidato republicano a la Casa Blanca al que todo el mundo señala como supernumerario, es la de llevarse el cadáver de su hijo prematuro a casa para que lo conocieran el resto de sus hermanos y rezaran por él o con él.

Rick Santorum, candidato republicano a la Casa Blanca

Pero Rick Santorum, siendo "católico oficial" ha chocado también porque defiende unas posturas en ciertos temas que no parecen congruentes con las enseñanzas sociales de la iglesia, al menos en USA. Lo dice un tal Rick Sementelli en el blog "Faith in Public Life Action".


-En inmigración, Santorum no está de acuerdo con los obispos que quieren facilitar la obtención de la ciudadanía a los inmigrantes y que se oponen a las políticas draconianas que separan a las familias. Si se hiciera eso "se estaría creando un efecto llamada, animando a la gente a cruzar la frontera y a quedarse." Tampoco le parecen mal las deportaciones masivas de hijos de padres mejicanos a su país.

-En cuanto a las desigualdades cada vez mayores entre ricos y pobres, también denunciadas por Benedicto XVI dice que es lógico que el que trabaja más y tiene más ideas gane más. De hecho votó a favor de los recortes de impuestos a los más ricos.

-Tampoco está de acuerdo con la reciente propuesta del Vaticano de que hay que regular el mercado financiero, no es la ausencia de regulación la que ha llevado a la crisis, sino la regulación del gobierno.

-También piensa que no se debe ayudar tanto a los desfavorecidos "que aprendan del sufrimiento". Lo de la opción preferencial por los pobres ni le suena. Es "comunismo"

-Aboliría los sindicatos y organizaciones de trabajadores.

- Lo del cambio climático y la necesidad de una mayor responsabilidad en ese sentido, le parece una mentira urdida.

-en cuanto a la tortura, le parece necesaria, así como la guerra preventiva.

Los periodistas USA se extrañan de que parece que la identidad política católica sólo tiene que ver con la oposición al aborto y a los matrimonios gays, olvidando las enseñanzas sociales de los papas.


Vicenç Mengual i Casellas ha dicho que…
Y hablando de las curiosidades y extravagancias del "santo marqués", me pregunto como pudo afirmar aquello de "yo soy padre y madre, que cosa más curiosa". SERIA HERMAFRODITA?
Vicenç Mengual i Casellas ha dicho que…
En cuanto al último punto de este Santorum (le falta solo llamarse Santa):
-en cuanto a la tortura, le parece necesaria, así como la guerra preventiva.
Recordemos, hermanos, las palabras de "nuestro Padre", comentando los asesinatos del ejército de Pinochet:
Para qué seguir hablando?
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Por la descripción de intereses más que Santorum parece Satanorum. Vaya peligro.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Cataluña, ¿independiente?

Vicenç Mengual i Casellas ha dicho que…
Para el último anónimo: SÍ.
Y doy la cara, además. Cuando unos llegan, otros ya hemos vuelto: http://lasantaculpa.blogspot.com/2010/07/llei-deducacio-de-catalunya-lec-ajuda.html
José ha dicho que…
Ana, al Jack Valero ese, lo conozco yo de buena tinta. Era el "empollón2 de mi curso en el colegio Viaró de Barcelona, cuando yo estudié allí el bachillerato, hace ya bastantes años. Su verdadero nombre de pila es Javier, no Jack. Es del Opus hasta la médula.
José ha dicho que…
Ana, al Jack Valero ese, lo conozco yo de buena tinta. Era el "empollón" de mi curso en el colegio Viaró de Barcelona, cuando yo estudié allí el bachillerato, hace ya bastantes años. Su verdadero nombre de pila es Javier, no Jack. Es del Opus hasta la médula y en él, todo está programando y estudiado como es típico en ellos.
Anónimo ha dicho que…

😱😱😱😱😱 Opus y tráfico de niños.

Saint Catherine of Siena, Great Falls, VA

Opus Dei has cropped up in recent years in relation to one of the United States’ most notorious pedophile scandals in addition to the bizarre death of sitting Supreme Court Justice also accused of involvement in a pedophile ring. Both of these intrigues revolve around the same church, Saint Catherine of Siena. Located in Great Falls, Virginia, the sect was established around 1981. It first gained notoriety in 2001 when one of its members, former FBI agent Robert Hanssen, was arrested for being a spy for the Soviet Union and later the Russian Federation. This led to intense scrutiny of the church and some interesting things turned up.

For one, it reputedly has longstanding ties to Opus Dei, with many members belonging to the obscure Catholic sect and Opusian clergy regularly hearing confessions there. And of course there are the high profile individuals who have regularly attended Saint Catherine at one time or another.

Saint Catherine of Siena
At least two of these high profile members were linked to the scandal surrounding Jerry Sandusky, the long time defensive coordinator of the Penn State Nittany Lions. In 1977 Sandusky founded the Second Mile, an NPO designed to assist underprivileged and at-risk children. Then, in 2008, allegations emerged that Sandusky was an arch pedophile who had been preying upon children via his foundation for decades. In 2012 Sandusky was found guilty of 45 of 48 charges against him, virtually all of them stemming from child sexual abuse. All of Sandusky’s victims had been recruited through Second Mile. What’s more, there were dark rumblings that Sandusky was not alone and that his Second Mile foundation provided boys for other pedophiles linked to Penn State.

This was a dramatic fall from grace for Sandusky and his Second Mile foundation. In 1990, honorary SMOM member President George H.W. Bush praised Second Mile as a “shining example” of charity work in a letter. And then there’s Rick Santorum of Saint Catherine’s. Santorum has been widely reported as a member of Opus Dei, though he insists that he is merely a “great admirer” of the sect. Santorum also had ties to Penn State and Second Mile:
“Santorum attended Penn State. He claims his grades suffered because of his conservative beliefs. Santorum once sponsored Sandusky in 2002 for a Congressional Angels In Adoption award.”

Anónimo ha dicho que…

Indeed, Santorum’s appearance occurred well after numerous allegations concerning Maciel’s pedophilia had been widely circulated. And yet Santorum would opt to speak in support of Maciel, just as he later who for Peterno. And it is of course most interesting to that Mr. Santorum seems to have balanced his commitments to the allegedly “rival” groups, Opus Dei and the Legion. But let us now return to the other strange connections Saint Catherine has to Sandusky.

That is of course the fact Louis Freeh, the former FBI director hired by Penn State to conduct a private investigation of the scandal and whose report Santorum bashed, was also a member of Santorum’s church at one point. Freeh is also believed to be close to Opus Dei as well:

“Today, former FBI Director Louis Freeh is known to be close to Opus Dei. According to Bucciarelli, Freeh’s children attend Opus Dei schools and Freeh knows Opus Dei members…”

Isn’t it odd that one of the biggest Penn State supporters and a former backer of Second Mile as well as the man hired by Penn State to investigate the scandal aren’t merely close to Opus Dei, but even attended the same exact Opus Dei-linked church at one point?
Anónimo ha dicho que…
it sure seems like the Cercle complex would be the most logical place to look for some type of international pedophile network what with its links to the Dutroux affair, the Westminster pedophile ring, Colonia Dignidad, Franklin, and possibly even a 1960s New Orleans-based ring involving David Ferrie…
Anónimo ha dicho que…
This present series was born out of an earlier one focusing on pedophile rings and the strategy of tension in Belgium. In researching this series, one of the most bizarre and disturbing accounts I encountered came from a former member of the youth wing of the Belgian political party Parti Social Chrétien (PSC).

As was noted in an installment in the series concerning Belgium, the PSC was the party most commonly linked to the pedophile rings in that nation. Two major figures involved with the PSC, Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, were key players in the Academy (effectively Le Cercle’s intelligence network throughout the 1970s) and extensively linked to the pedophile rings as well as with ring wing paramilitary groups linked to Belgium in the 1980s (noted before here).

Vanden Boeynants (left) and Baron de Bonvoisin (right)
The individual who gave this account, Jacques Thoma, worked under PSC mover and shaker Jean-Paul Dumont who in turn was said to be a close associate of both Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin. Thoma was so disturbed by what he had seen that he reported it to the Brigade Speciale des Recherches (BSR) of the Gendarmerie. ISGP has kindly translated the parts concerning Opus Dei into English:

“Jacques Thoma was at a restaurant with Sara de Wachter (01/10/55) when he broke down in tears. He participated in 1985-86 in several satanic sessions close to Charleroi.

“He is very afraid. He was a treasurer of the youth section of the PSC. He often met with Michel Dewolf, Philippe Sala and Jean-Paul Dumont. They tried to direct Thoma toward Opus Dei what they considered Nec Plus Ultra [Latin for ‘nothing further beyond’].

“Under the pretext of initiation tests for Opus Dei he was brought to a Black Mass with sexual acts. He mentions the presence of girls from a country in the East (13-14 years)… He was drugged before being taken into a room with masked people who had dressed in black robes. The participants drank blood. He was placed in the presence of a naked little girl laying down on an altar – she had died.

“He encountered the grand master, Francois-Joseph, who told him that he was a police informant and that he had to be careful… Francois-Joseph is a notary implicated in the trafficking of girls for prostitution from the East.

“He wanted to leave but was drugged again. He woke up the following day in his car. He left the party [PSC] and made a declaration to the BSR [Special Investigations Unit of the gendarmerie] in Charleroi.”
Anónimo ha dicho que…
When I undertook the European Parliament’s high-profile probe into family-splitting cults, Opus Dei attracted by far the largest response to my mailbag, more even than high-profile organisations like the Moonies and Scientology. It was excluded from the report after heavy lobbying from the Vatican hierarchy and its powerful supporters in Strasbourg, including perhaps the most prominent Euro-MP, the late Austro-Hungarian archduke Otto von Habsburg.”

(Gladio: NATO’s Secret Dagger at the Heart of Europe, Richard Cottrell, pgs. 302-303)
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Both Vanden Boeynants and Bonvoisin have been named as members of Opus Dei as well. Such a connection would hardly be surprising, given their ties to the terror attacks that rocked Belgium in the 1980s (noted before here) as well. These attacks were likely a component of Operation Gladio (as noted before here and here) and Opus Dei is reputed to have been a key partner in such intrigues. In 1990 the Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende, reacting to an account given by former CIA director William Colby in his 1978 book Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA (specifically in reference to his involvement in setting up stay-behind armies in the Scandinavian countries), dug up some curious details concerning Denmark’s stay-behind units and their links to other Gladio operations across the continent:

” ‘Berlingske Tidende can reveal that Absalon is the Danish branch of the international Gladio network. This has been confirmed by a member of Absalon to Berlingske Tidende who wishes at present to remain unnamed,’ a Danish daily newspaper sensationally headlined its discoveries in 1990. The source, named Q by the newspaper, confirmed what Colby had revealed in his book. ‘Colby’s story is absolutely correct. Absalon was created in the early 1950s,’ the source
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Maury Terry
Author of The Ultimate Evil, the first work to link the Manson Family and the alleged Son of Sam cult. Terry cut his teeth working for Rupert Murdoch‘s New York Post, who supported Terry’s bid to “expose” the cult conspiracy. Murdoch is a long time backer of the American Enterprise Institute, which frequently collaborated with American Cercle partners such as the ASC and the Heritage Foundation.

Ted Gunderson
A “former” high ranking FBI agent once in charge of the LA division. Upon retiring, Gunderson became the key figure in “exposing” Satanic cults during the 1980s. Whether it was the alleged Son of Sam cult, the Finders, Franklin or McMartin Preschool (as well as a legions of lesser known instances), Gunderson was there. As investigative journalist Cheri Seymour reported in her groundbreaking The Last Circle, Gunderson was very close to alleged CIA asset Robert Booth Nicholas (who was involved in the PROMIS scandal and may have been the last person to meet with journalist Danny Casolaro before his alleged suicide). Nichols was on the board of the First International Development Corporation (FIDCO) in the 1980s, an organization with ample intelligence connections as well as to the MacArthur clique that dominated the American Security Council.

John DeCamp
A former CIA officer who was involved in the Phoenix Program. Phoenix was very similar to Gladio and Condor, two operations Le Cercle seems to have played a key role in. DeCamp’s boss and a key contact over the years was the above-mentioned former CIA director William Colby, a member of Opus Dei who had also met with Le Cercle.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
On the whole, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateralists and the CFR were primarily composed of bankers and other financial interests. Their overriding concern was thus international trade. Le Cercle, by contrast, was dominated by reactionary Catholic factions such as Opus Dei and SMOM, old guard European aristocracy and powerful military and intelligence officers as well as defense contractors from the United States. The primary objective of these interests until the collapse of the Soviet Union was the confrontation with Communism. It probably goes without saying, but the duel objectives of these two factions were not always compatible. What’s more, as I noted before here and which ISGP addresses in much greater depth, there are indication that more than a few Bilderbergers were ensnared in Belgium’s pedophile rings, which had close ties to Le Cercle. One suspects that blackmail played a key role in Le Cercle’s rise to power.

As for the beliefs that potentially underpinned Le Cercle and the secret societies surrounding it, this is not a question that can be easily answered. Very little credible information is available in this regard, though there are ample indications of an occult doctrine. So it should be stressed that the following is highly, highly speculative. This researcher in no way, shape or form wants it to be taken as fact, but merely theories of the researcher.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Satanism: This is a tricky topic to address. This researcher would like to make clear that when I am discussing Satanism here, I am referring to the historical system that began to appear roughly around the time of the Crusades and not the modern manifestations such as Anton LaVey‘s Church of Satan or the “nu-Satanist” movement currently polluting the landscape in the United States. These movements are little more than Randism with a bit of ritual trappings for the photo ops. As was noted before here, historic Satanism was very rare and almost always was practiced by individuals with ties to the Catholic Church. In point of fact, it is impossible to perform a “proper” Black Mass unless it is done by an ordained priest.

Certainly this would not have been a problem for David Ferrie or even members of Opus Dei. But on the whole, actual evidence of Satanism within Le Cercle is rather scarce.

Evola: As I noted before here, many of the Italian neo-fascist groups linked to P2 were followers of the occultist and philosopher Julius Evola. I have found no evidence that elements of the Le Cercle complex outside of Italy were influenced by Evola, but certainly the possibility exists. Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, an Academy member widely linked to both Opus Dei and pedophilia, was friendly with the notorious Italian neo-fascist terrorist Stefano Delle Chiaie as well Ordine Nuovo (noted before here). Both Delle Chiaie and the Ordine were influenced by Evola.

Guido Giannettini, who SOSJ member General Pedro del Valle had invited to address the Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1961 (noted before here), was close to Ordine Nuovo founder Pino Rauti, who in turn was heavily influenced by Julius Evola. General Charles Willoughby, another SOSJ initiate, was active in Spain during the 1960s and could have easily encountered Delle Chiaie, Rauti, or any number of other Evola-ites during this time frame. This could help explain how General Pedro del Valle was aware of Giannettini from such an early date. But this is all highly, highly circumstantial.

And that brings us to the most compelling suspect…
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Lo que realmente creen:

Martinism and synarchy: Certainly there were two prominent individuals involved with Le Cercle, Jean Violet and Georges Albertini, that have been compellingly linked to synarchy and possibly Martinism as well (noted here and here). As I noted before here, P2 Grand Master Licio Gelli has also been linked to the Rite of Memphis-Misraim which is often incorporated into Martinism and synarchy as well.

What is now generally considered to be Martinism first emerged towards the end of the nineteenth century and was largely the creation of the legendary French occultist often referred to as Papus. Synarchy in turn seems to have emerged from Martinism.

Martinism was based upon a host of influences that included the Rite of Martinism (derived from the order’s namesake, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin), the Egyptian Rite, and the Rite of Memphis-Misraim, among others. The original Rite of Memphis (which was not combined with the Rite of Misraim until around 1872 by John Yarker) was said to have been inspired by the legendary occultist Alessandro di Cagliostro. It is interesting to note that Cagliostro claimed to have been a member of the Knights of Malta and that he had been left on Malta as an orphan. There seems little dispute that Cagliostro was on friendly terms with Grand Master Manuel Pinto da Fonseca, who was himself said to have been an alchemist.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
P2 también son ellos 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Todo el escándalo del banco Vaticano, la muerte de JPI...

In the case of Propaganda Due, not only was it tied to synarchy, but its entire hierarchy was dominated by members of Opus Dei or the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (noted before here and here). And as was noted earlier in this installment, the entire Mexican synarchist movement essentially emerged from the far right wing Catholic Cristero movement.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Welcome to the second installment in my examination of the mysterious body known as Le Cercle (sometimes referred to as as the Pinay Group for Pinay Cercle/Circle). The origins of the group, which are a bit murky, date to the early 1950s when it emerged from various Pan-European and conservative Catholic interests that were taking shape in the wake of the Second World War. Described as little more than a forum to bring together various right wing organizations by apologists, Le Cercle has none the less played a role in various deep events across the several continents.

As was noted in the first installment, Le Cercle was deeply connected to various intelligence agencies in Western Europe as well as the United States and it had access to some of the most powerful elites of the Cold War era. David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezenski all had dealings with Le Cercle for a time. That being said, it would be a gross mistake to dismiss the organization as little more than extension of the Bilderberg Group, as many have (as was noted in part one, there was a fair degree of overlap between early Bilderberg and Le Cercle membership).

In point of fact, Le Cercle seems to have been under the domination of Catholic cults and orders of knighthood such as Opus Dei and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta for much of its existence. While these groups shared some of the objectives of the Bilderbergers, such as a United Europe, they ultimately seemed to have been pursing a kind of new Holy Roman Empire.

Anónimo ha dicho que…
"The sniffer enterprise was a complete fiasco – a fact that may have had some influence on the 1981 crash of the Opus Dei-influenced Banco Occidental in Spain. French President Giscard d'Estaing managed a cover-up, in which his successor, Francois Mitterrand, cooperated. But late in 1983 a tax-department clerk, investigating the route by which 800 million French francs had left the country (340 million without a trace), and inadvertently blew their cover. By then, however, the French government had more important things on its mind."
(Hot Money, R.T. Naylor, pgs, 259-260)


Anónimo ha dicho que…
The Opus Dei-linked Banco Occidential also had ties to Calvi's Banco Ambrosiano and was ultimately dragged into the Vatican banking scandal. As I noted before here, there is a school of thought that the money being drained out of these various Catholic-centric financial institutions via back door methods was to fund some of the Vatican's intrigues in both the Polish Solidarity movement as well in Central America. These were certainly projects, especially in regards to the Latin American death squads the most reactionary elements of the Vatican frequently found themselves aligned with, that needed to be kept from the public at large. The murky netherworld of shadow financing could accomplish so much more while providing the Vatican with political cover.

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Otra consulta memorable de Enrique Rojas, supernumerario del Opus Dei y psiquiatra de postín