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Los anglos contra España, ayer y hoy, con españoles encargados de pisotear a otros españoles. Destaco "Operación Moncloa" a partir del min. 55:00, y a partir de ahí todo, cómo se destroza socialmente a una persona acusándole de antisemita ¡por la portada de un libro!. Está el periodismo lleno de females foxes. Le va mal a la profesion y peor que les va a ir actuando a sueldo del bien pagador, deformando los propósitos de los entrevistados, buscando el click, el escándalo, la destrucción de quien no se arrodilla ante los amos de esta parte del mundo.
La new religion. En cuanto sacas un céntimetro la cabeza por encima del rebaño ambiente que nos imponen, te la siegan. "Nadie me defendio".
Ahi nos duele, personas cuya amistad valoraste, a quien solo hiciste el bien te clavan el puñal y te dan la espalda, ademas de ponerte a mal frente a la sociedad. Estomago que hay que tener para tragarse lo que nos hemos tragado.
En mis tiempo todo esto ocurría en el mundo físico y real, hoy el linchamiento es virtual, un tipo desde Islandia que no te ha visto en la vida te pone a caldo y como se aburre en la tierra de los geisers se dedica a echarte encima el cubo de basura. Más la guerra que se traen con su página en wikipedia.
La diferencia entre él y yo: al Opus los apuñaladores/-as por cuenta ajena le salieron gratis. Aquí median pagos. Ha conseguido los contratos de sus perseguidores.
Este artículo está escrito por Recluse y se puede encontrar en el blog de VISUP Le Cercle: Puppetmasters [1] . [Actualización de noviembre de 2019 La publicación anterior parece haber sido reemplazada por este enlace [9] 28 de mayo de 2016 VISUP Recluse Le Cercle: Puppetmasters. No se sabe qué cambios se han realizado]
También relevante para el abuso sexual infantil y Gran Bretaña es el tercer libro de la serie Le Cercle: Clerical Fascism and the Pedophocracy Part III [2].
Hace tiempo que creo que las redes de abuso infantil están estrechamente relacionadas con las redes de Le Cercle, Gladio y Security Service. No tengo los conocimientos necesarios en estas áreas para ampliar esta información. En este artículo, Recluse vincula todas estas redes con el abuso infantil, no solo en Gran Bretaña, sino también en Europa y Estados Unidos.
Según indican otras fuentes, la Soberana Orden Militar de Malta y el "Opus Dei" también están implicados a un nivel más alto. Recluse también menciona en el artículo otras posibles conexiones.
La información también puede encajar con Estados Unidos / CIA / otras redes que llevan a cabo las Operaciones Brownstone, como describe George Webb en sus videos, el último en el momento de la publicación está aquí George Webb Day 93 - Braverman, Haití y yo, Parte 1, ¿Quién mató a Monica Petersen? [3]Las Operaciones Brownstone son operaciones de chantaje para atrapar a personas a menudo de perfil alto que pueden ser utilizadas para subvertir los procesos democráticos. El abuso y el tráfico de niños es solo una parte de la destrucción de un país, la explotación de sus recursos como el petróleo y la extracción de órganos y el uso de personas como esclavos sexuales.
Blog de Cathy Fox
Bienvenidos a la séptima y última entrega de mi análisis del misterioso grupo conocido como Le Cercle, Pinay Cercle o el Grupo Pinay (que en algunos relatos se consideraba el círculo íntimo de Le Cercle). Como se señaló en la primera entrega , Le Cercle tuvo sus orígenes en el movimiento Europa Unida, así como vínculos tempranos con el grupo Bilderberger . Sin embargo, la facción dominante en Le Cercle siempre parece haber sido grupos católicos reaccionarios como el Opus Dei y la Soberana Orden Militar de Malta (SMOM). A fines de la década de 1970, David Rockefeller y el resto de la camarilla de Bilderberger rompieron con Le Cercle debido a su agenda extremista.
En la segunda parte comencé a considerar a dos de las figuras principales detrás de la formación de Le Cercle: el ex primer ministro francés y a veces homónimo Antoine Pinay y su estrecho colaborador y compatriota francés Jean Violet. Violet era sospechoso de ser un agente de la inteligencia francesa, alemana occidental y del Vaticano. También se lo ha vinculado a la red paramilitar fascista conocida como La Cagoule en la Francia de los años 30. Como se señaló en esa entrega, se sospecha que La Cagoule tiene sus orígenes en el martinismo y la sinarquía , una perspectiva que es bastante importante en las entregas posteriores de esta serie.
La tercera entrega se centró en la Académie Europeenne des Sciences Politiques (AESP, a menudo denominada simplemente la Academia), con sede en Bruselas, y la red 6I del británico Brain Crozier . Ambos grupos sirvieron efectivamente como redes de inteligencia privadas para Le Cercle. Aún más inquietante, ambas redes tenían amplios vínculos con las supuestas redes de pedofilia de élite en Bélgica y el Reino Unido que inicialmente fueron expuestas a raíz del caso Dutroux y el dossier de pedofilia de Westminster , respectivamente.
En la quinta entrega me he planteado otras dos asociaciones curiosas de Le Cercle: la red de Georges Albertini, otro miembro de Le Cercle vinculado a la sinarquía, así como al Consejo de Información para las Américas (INCA, un grupo estrechamente vinculado al asesinato de JFK ) y Colonia Dignidad (Colonia Dignidad o simplemente la Colonia), una comuna cristiana con sede en Chile muy vinculada a la Operación Cóndor y a los extremos más extremos del régimen de Pinochet . Su fundador, Paul Schafer , era un “ex” nazi y archipedófilo. La Colonia también tenía fama de haber empleado numerosas técnicas de “modificación de la conducta”, como se ha señalado antes aquí .
En esa entrega también se mencionaron los posibles vínculos que Le Cercle tenía con la supuesta red de pedófilos de Franklin . A partir de ahí, la sexta parte consideró los posibles vínculos que Le Cercle tenía con David Ferrie , otro archipedófilo vinculado al asesinato de Kennedy, así como la posibilidad de que Ferrie también estuviera involucrado en una red de pedófilos en Nueva Orleans durante la década de 1960. Ferrie supuestamente fue entrenado como hipnotista por el notorio William Joseph Bryan, quien también se cree que fue sacerdote u obispo en una de las varias iglesias en las que David Ferrie fue ordenado.
Al terminar esa entrega, noté que Bryan ha sido descrito como alguien que usa ropa ritual similar a la empleada tanto por La Cagoule como por Propaganda Due (que estaban estrechamente vinculados a través de la Academia, como se señaló anteriormente aquí ). Ferrie y Bryan podrían haber estado fácilmente vinculados a Le Cercle a través de la INCA o de una misteriosa sociedad secreta conocida como la Soberana Orden de San Juan (SOSJ). A partir de ahí, propuse que la extraña vestimenta que La Cagoule, P2 y Bryan emplearon puede haber sido evidencia de algún tipo de sociedad secreta o culto dentro de Le Cercle que, a través de sus representantes en Europa, Estados Unidos y Sudamérica, parece haber jugado un papel importante en las Operaciones Gladio , Northwoods y Condor. Y ahí es donde retomaré las cosas.
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Colonia Dignidad en Chile, ligada a LCercle=OD.
Easily one of the most disturbing and eyebrow raising associations Cercle had was with the notorious Chilean commune known as Colonia Dignidad (the Colony of Dignity, commonly referred to simply as the Colony). Founded in the early 1960s by German immigrants, the Colony allegedly sought to promote "traditional" Christian living via 1940s era clothing, abstaining from modern electric devices and 14 hour work days, among others things. Superficially at least the sect was supposed to be something akin to Mennonites. It was not long after the Colony's founding, however the dark rumblings of fugitive Nazis, elaborate torture centers and pedophilia began to emerge.
Here's a bit more about the background of the Colony and the man who founded it, Herr Paul Schafer: "Paul Schafer was one of the founders of the Colony of Righteousness and was, and is, its only leader. Schafer jumped bail in Germany in 1961 on charges of child sexual abuse, but that did not stop him from taking a group of families with him when he fled to Chile, arriving there in 1962 at the age of 40 with around sixty 'blond, blue-eyed settlers'... including some children who were brought there under false pretenses, taken from their families back in Germany. His flock came from the town of Siegburg, across the Rhine from Bonn, where Schafer claimed to be a psychologist, and where he ran the youth home where the sexual-abuse charges originated. Schafer, also the leader of a Baptist sect (a sect which evidently condones sexual intercourse between adults and children among other peculiarities), bought an old ranch called El Lavafero about 250 miles south of Santiago in the Parral region and quickly converted it into a self-sufficient, model community known as Colonia Dignidad, the 'Colony of Righteousness' or 'Dignity Colony.' "The population of the Colony eventually grew to about 350, composed of 250 adults and 100 children. According to reports in the Chilean and German press, the sexes are rigorously separated and sexual intercourse is forbidden (except, one gathers, at the discretion of Schafer). And since sex is prohibited, the only way the Colony has been able to increase its population has been by 'importing' children from Germany. German authorities have been investigating charges that from thirty to forty children reported missing from the Bonn and Cologne areas have wound up at the Colony. Thus, charges of both child abuse and international child abductions have been leveled at this remote cult community by eyewitnesses, escapees, and responsible members of the West German and Chilean governments. The parallels between Colonia Dignidad and the stories told by 'satanic cult survivors,' however, are even stronger... "Accounts of the size of the Colony vary from news report to news report. Everything from 12,000 acres to 37,000 acres has been offered, and accounts of its operations also include a mine, a lumber mill, and a gravel factory. The author believes it is safe to say that the county has grown considerably over the years and that estimates of a 37,000-acre settlement might not be far from the mark, considering the other purposes to which the Colony was put both during and after the Allenda regime... "... in 1966, the first of many accusations against Schafer and the Colony surfaced when Wolfgang Muller escaped the 'watchdogs, electronic alarms and six-foot barbed wire fences' to describe life inside the Colony. Muller – who had been brought over from Germany as a member of the original
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While Le Cercle does not appear to have become involved with the Colony until the late 1970s, there were possible earlier links. One via the WACL was already hinted at above, that related to Operation Condor, though these plots did not get going until 1976, shortly before Cercle's first formal contacts with the Colony.
Opus Dei, which was very closely aligned with Le Cercle (some have argued it in fact controls the group) had been active in Chile since the 1950s and, according to Robert Hutchison in Their Kingdom Come, were very close to Pinochet and his regime. I have not, however, found any direct links to the Colony.
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As for the ties the Colony had to Le Cercle, they unsurprisingly came from the group's German wing. During the mid-1970s Le Cercle began an intense propaganda campaign to attack the Soviet Union for its lack of religious freedom. Both the Academie Europeenne des Sciences Politiques (AESP, frequently referred to as simply "the Academy") and Brian Crozier's Institute for the Study of Conflict (ISC, a predecessor to the 6I that was primarily focused on propaganda as noted before here) took leading roles in these endeavors. As was noted before here, the Brussels-based Academy had several key members who had been implicated in pedophilia in Belgium.
By 1977 it was felt that Cercle's German wing should also become involved in promoting religious freedom in the Soviet Union. A group was formed for this purpose. "The AESP and the ISC were not the only Cercle associates to support these campaigns; the Cercle's German friends also contributed. As we have seen, the German pillars of the Cercle throughout the 1970s had been Strauß's CSU, represented by Cercle/6I member Count Hans Huyn, and the Swiss group ISP, run by AESP partner Karl Friedrich Grau. In 1977, the Cercle's German friends set up a specialised group to support the campaigns on religious freedom being run by the ISC and the AESP – a German equivalent to the earlier British-based CSRC/Keston College.
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La conexión entre colonia dignidad y Le Cercle es el Brusewitz Center, en concreto dr. Lothar Bosssle,ligado al conde Hans Huyn, uno de los fundadores de Le CercIe.
También muy ligado a Dieter Blumenwitz, coautor de la Constitución de Pinochet, que trabajó para obstaculizar las denuncias de amnistía internacional de las violaciones de derechos humanos de la colonia dignidad.
La colonia dignidad estaba estrechamente relacionada con el pinochetismo, la operación condor, Nazis...,
Huyn era miembro de la academias pedófila AESP. Bossle estaba también en contacto con el 6l de Crozier, contestado a su vez con redes de pedofilia internacionales. 1977, the Cercle's German friends set up a specialised group to support the campaigns on religious freedom being run by the ISC and the AESP – a German equivalent to the earlier British-based CSRC/Keston College. "This new group was the Brüsewitz Centre, a 'Christian' group whose aim was to 'publicise human rights violations and particularly the violations of the freedom of worship in the so-called German Democratic Republic'. The Brüsewitz Centre was named after Oskar Brüsewitz, an East German priest who burned himself alive in August 1976; the priest's widow tried in vain to prevent the group using his name. The founding body for the Brüsewitz Centre was the Christlich- Paneuropäische Studienwerk [Christian Paneuropean Study Group], founded in July 1977 and chaired by Otto von Habsburg's teenage daughter, Walburga von Habsburg (334)*. The Brüsewitz Centre's Board included several well-known faces: Habsburg, Huyn and Merkatz, all three CEDI members and early associates of the AESP. On the Board of the Brüsewitz Centre, we also find the Czech exile Ludek Pachmann, whom we have already met as a speaker for Grau's ISP in 1975-76 along with Habsburg and Huyn. Habsburg, Merkatz and Pachmann of the Brüsewitz Board would all also serve on the Board of Amnesty International's right-wing rival, the IGfM. "The Brüsewitz Centre's Board also included five other Germans who would crop up in later Cercle operations in the 1980s..."
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La conexión entre la red de abuso de menores Franklin (Franklin child abuse ring, Paul Bona CIO, víctima principal,vencedor de un juicio, Larry King,verdugo principal, condenado, la ciudad de los muchachos católica, Boys Town, reclutamiento de niños bajo tutoría de instituciones públicas para la prostitución de menores...) con Le Cercle, es William Casey.
A much more compelling connection comes in the form of Reagan's first CIA director, the notorious William Casey. Casey, a former OSS man and Knight of Malta, was apparently held in high esteem by King. There have long been allegations that King was an agent of Casey. "Direct ties of Larry King to persons and institutions active in Iran-Contra are a matter of public record. In 1987, according to the World Herald, King donated $25,350 to Citizens for America, a group that sponsored speaking tours for Oliver North and Contra leaders. CFA was a key public relations group for Iran-Contra; King was a founding member and one of its largest contributors. "According to his May 22, 1989 interview with Omaha radio station KKAR, King was trying to bring North to Nebraska. A former security guard for King has sworn that he saw North attend at least one of King's parties, a party at which children were also present. Since he was stationed outside, he has no knowledge of what might have happened inside. 'I just thought it seemed kind of curious, the whole set-up,' he said.
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now return to William Casey. The CIA director and Maltese knight had extremely close ties to Cercle: "The man to whom Reagan offered the job - within days of his meeting with de Marenches - was someone the French spymaster approved of entirely: OSS veteran and NSIC co-founder William Casey. Thanks to Casey and others, the NSIC and the Cercle/6I would enjoy unbroken access to the highest levels of US policymaking even before the advent of the Reagan Administration. As well as having been Reagan’s election manager, Casey was also head of the Reagan transition team, particularly in the field of intelligence, where Casey was assisted by two former senior CIA officials as Special Advisors, 6I founding member Lieutenant-General Vernon Walters and longstanding ISC friend Ray S. Cline. The agenda for the incoming Reagan Administration had to a large extent already been mapped out in a 3,000-page list of policy recommendations published by the Heritage Foundation in January 1981 under the title Mandate for Leadership - its intelligence proposals had been drafted by NSIC Washington chief Roy Godson, Senate Intelligence Committee staffer and later NSIC and IEDSS author Angelo Codevilla, and Crozier's old associate and probable 6I founding member Herb Romerstein (412). "Once in charge of the CIA, Casey would help to provide initial funding for the 6I's operations. Members of the 6I 'Politburo' also soon assumed high office: General Walters would act as Reagan's Ambassador at Large from 1981 to 1985, US Representative at the UN from 1985 to 1989, and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to West Germany from 1989 to 1991, whilst General Stilwell served from 1981 to 1985 as Reagan's Deputy Under-Secretary of Defence for Policy – despite the anodyne title, Stilwell was in reality charged with a fundamental reform of US special forces. Reagan also ensured contact with the Cercle and the 6I through an old Californian friend, William A. Wilson, whom Reagan also appointed as his personal envoy to the Vatican in February 1981 and full US Ambassador to the Holy See in March 1984, resuming US-Vatican diplomatic relations suspended since the early 1970s. Besides the channels to Reagan via Casey, Walters or Wilson, the Cercle/6I also liaised directly with Reagan's successive National Security Advisors, Dick Allen, William P. Clark, Bud McFarlane and Admiral Poindexter." (Rogue Agents, David Teacher, pg. 193)
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Casey's ties to Le Cercle stretched back to at least 1978, when he attended a meeting of the group. This relationship seems to have grown even closer by 1980 and may have stretched back even further. As was noted in the prior installment, Casey's co-founder of the NSIC, Frank Barnett, had been in contact with Crozier since 1966 and had been actively collaborating with him since 1969. And of course, there's also the Sovereign Military Order of Malta connection that Casey shared with so many Cercle figures.
William Casey So, to recap: Larry E. King indicated that he was a great admirer of William Casey and may even have been in regular contact with him while Casey was serving as the director of the CIA. According to John DeCamp, who is far from them sot credible source, King was also in close contact with close Casey aide, Max Hugel (Joseph Trento notes in Prelude to Terror that Casey was Hugel's sole patron in the CIA and had personally brought him in despite vigorous opposition from the rest of the Agency). Hugel was close to the Unification Church (as Cercle was by the late 1980s). He would attend a conference in North Korea in 1991 with Douglas MacArthur II, a man linked to terrorism and pedophile rings in Belgium. Many of his alleged contacts there were a part of the Academy, Cercle's primary Belgian wing. MacArthur II may also have been in contact with Robert Keith Gray, a close friend of fellow Nebraskan Harold Anderson, who was implicated in King's pedophile ring.
As was noted at the beginning of this section, Cercle's potential ties to Franklin are rather tenuous. But none the less, there does not seem to have been many degrees of separation between Casey and King's alleged pedophile ring on the one hand, and on the other between Casey and the Cercle pedophile rings.
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In all three instances these rings seem to have targeted at right wing political parties and the security services of Belgium, the UK and the US. And they all seem to have been established around the time Cercle was actively engaged in bringing about political change in these nations. In the UK and the US, Cercle ended up with the friendly regimes it had ever had in those countries (i.e. Thatcher and Reagan).
If there was a tie between the Le Cercle rings and Franklin, was Casey then an agent of Le Cercle establishing a network similar to the ones in Belgium and Britain for influencing politics? Certainly being aware of politicians and key security figures in several major Western nations engaged in pedophile rings would be extremely comprising and would give Cercle almost total control over the figures they had implicated.
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Sánchez Bella.
Let's begin with the Academy as it predated the 6I and has also been covered before on this blog in some detail. The Academy was a Brussels-based organization founded by Florimond Damman in 1969. Damman was the brother-in-law of Alain de Villegas, one of the eccentric "inventors" who had conceived of the "sniffer plane" that occupied so much of Jean Violet's time in 1970s (noted in part two). The Academy was born out of the CEPI/PEU network that Archduke Otto von Habsburg was the leading figure in (addressed before here and here). Damman had been active in such circles for several years before founding the Academy. Not long after its inception, it drew the attention of Jean Violet. "... Damman would soon overcome the internal struggle within the AESP and expand its activities. At a symposium organised by Habsburg in Vienna in May 1969, Damman met Jean Violet (98)*. By October, Violet was looking for a group that could provide an operational framework for the Cercle Pinay, and thought of Damman and his AESP. On 21st October 1969, Violet wrote to Damman saying that he would like to meet him, having been 'mandated by President Pinay to carry out a study of European perspectives after the German elections' i.e. Willy Brandt's September election victory. "The meeting took place one week later on 28th October in Brussels, where Violet was accompanied by two of his contacts, the first of whom was Marcel Collet, who had just retired as a director of Euratom. Violet's second companion was certain to ensure a favourable reception from Damman - none other than the International Secretary-General of the Paneuropean Union Vittorio Pons. Over lunch, Violet, Damman, Collet and Pons agreed on a new role for the AESP to act as a forum linking the PEU and CEDI under Habsburg and Sánchez Bella to the Bilderberg Group and Cercle Pinay, represented by Pinay and Violet. The revamped Academy would be run by Damman directed from behind the scenes by Violet and his trio of associates Collet, Father Dubois and François Vallet, an industrialist in pharmaceuticals. Violet announced that he would go to Pöcking, Habsburg's seat just outside Munich, to confer with the Archduke and Strauß about the financing of the AESP." (Rogue Agents, David Teacher, pgs. 50-51)
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As was noted in the second installment, Jean Violet had very close ties to both French and West German intelligence during this time. His close associate, the above-mentioned Father Dubois, was believed to be a top figure in the Vatican's intelligence network if not its head (as noted in part two). The Belgian figure of Vittorio Pons was alleged to have been a member of P7 by Richard Brenneke. P7 in turn was one of the Propaganda lodges believed to have provided funding for P2. The Spaniard Alfredo Sanchez Bella was reputedly a member of Opus Dei (as Violet was also alleged to be).
So yes, there were certainly some figures with rather deep ties involved with the international leadership of the Academy from very early on. This trend would only get stronger once the Belgian section had been formalized. "The operational core of the AESP, the Permanent Delegation, brought together the Belgian sections of the PEU, CEDI and WACL - the duo of Damman and de Marcken represented the PEU Central Council and the Belgian PEU section MAUE, whereas Vankerkhoven was Secretary of both the Belgian LIL chapter within WACL and the Belgian section of CEDI. CEDI's Belgian section was also represented within the AESP by its President, the Chevalier Marcel de Roover, a veteran anticommunist who had played a major part in the early post-war creation of two private anti-communist intelligence services linked to the Belgian Gladio network, Milpol and the Delcourt network. From the late 1950s on, de Roover had represented Belgium in various anti-communist networks that would later become formalised within WACL. He was also one of the earliest Belgians to frequent CEDI: he was appointed CEDI International Treasurer in January 1960 and founded its Belgian section in 1961, serving as its President until his death in 1971. Following de Roover's death, Vankerkhoven would take over Belgian representation within WACL and CEDI, being appointed Secretary-General of CEDI and moving its Belgian office into his Cercle des Nations (100)*. "The most prominent Belgian members of the AESP however were Gaston Eyskens, the serving Belgian Prime Minister from 1968 to 1973, and his immediate predecessor as Prime Minister from 1966 to 1968, Paul Vanden Boeynants from the Parti Social Chrétien (PSC). Vanden Boeynants, or VdB as he is known, would become a national institution in Belgian politics - the Belgian Andreotti, going on to serve as Belgian Defence Minister from 1972 to 1979 and as Prime Minister in 1978- 79. He first entered politics at the age of 29 in the ranks of Retinger's European Movement. Before being elected to Parliament, he was one of the five Belgian representatives at the second conference of the Union of European Federalists, the most powerful group within the European Movement, held in Rome in November 1948 shortly after massive intervention by the CIA to ward off an electoral victory by the Socialist-Communist Popular Democratic Front in the April 1948 elections. As we will see below, one key Italian politician in this anti-communist propaganda effort would also figure amongst the AESP's members in 1970... "Baron Benoît de Bonvoisin – "the Black Baron" - was at the time the most notorious patron of Belgian fascism and a key international linkman for the far Right. Perhaps because of his controversial connections, de Bonvoisin would not figure on any formal AESP or MAUE membership lists until after Damman’s death in 1979, however attending CEDI and AESP events from 1976 on..." (Rogue Agents, David Teacher, pgs. 51-52)
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LeCrcl y redes pedófilas.
then of course there is the fact that Crozier was involved with the Belgian AESP (Academy) group that happened to feature Paul Vanden Boeynants and Benoit de Bonvoisin, two powerful Belgians with extensive political connections (Vanden Boeynants was even the prime minister at one point) who have been repeatedly linked to pedophile rings in Belgium involving numerous politicians, intelligence officers and even the royal family (as noted before here).
Gee, that sure sounds a lot like the scandals currently unfolding in Britain...
And here is this mysterious international body, Le Cercle, that seemingly had ties to both the pedophile rings in Britain and Belgium. Indeed, both Brian Crozier and Jean Violet (who both had served as Cercle chairman at different ties) may have been deeply involved with both networks via the 6I and the Academy, which were essentially intelligence networks for Cercle. And that would mean that Cerlce's intelligence wing would be well positioned to, say, blackmail prominent politicians in either country....
All of this is rather curious and yet has largely flown under the radar of both of mainstream media as well as the "alternative." No doubt the exposurer of Monarch programming amongst British performers took precedence among the latter, though such "researchers" would stand a much better chance of finding credible evidence of some type of cult (or possibly multiple ones) in the Cercle complex. Still, its hard to ignore the Machiavellian mastermind
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Fundamental conseguir los libros en edición original y en papel. Si nos llegan a través de...ya se encargan ellos de expurgar lo que no quieren que sepamos.
Siendo tan listas que os traguéis las patrañas del Coronel Retretes; que no entiendo como siendo militar le permiten decir esas sandeces, aun en la reserva es militar hasta la jubilación y hay temas de los que tiene prohibido hablar por ley, como pasaba con el General de Infantería de Marina, Sr. Chicharro, presidente de la Fundación Francisco Franco quienes tuvieron que nombrar a un portavoz para que no le juzgaran estando en la reserva. Ya jubilado vuelve a ser civil pero no del todo y puede expresarse, puede perder la pensión si a la jueza corrupta Margarita Robles, la que "madre soltera y lesbiana" adoptó una niña y la devolvió a filipinas porque le daba mucho trabajo a la abuela quien era la cuidadora, vamos como un chucho viejo que mandas a la perrera... Pues el Retretes una vez que ha hecho el espantoso ridículo, libros incluidos, con sus análisis (cobrados de la embajada de Rusia en España donde es asiduo) políticos, militares, energéticos sobre la guerra en Ucrania, la que hoy 15 de agosto tiene perdida Putin (y hace un año también) , cambia de tercio y "aquí no he dicho nada "para seguir engañando a incautas y saca nuevos conejos de la chistera y a vivir del cuento..
Que reconozca las mentiras y pida perdón, eso es de honrados, de hombres y de militares, pero ni una de las 3 cosas el farsante este
Sarna con gusto no pica
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Una de las ciudades premiadas por la agenda 2030, oh sorpresa, es el bastión del Opus, Sant Cugat del Vallés. Lo controlan todo ahí
Las Rozas con el megacomplejo de Hakuna...
Falta otro bastión de OD, Pozuelo. A los pozuelenses no es fácil encerrarlos
Hay una obsesión en el OD que despierta morbosidad y se marca con una etiqueta y una lacra a las personas y se trata del tema del sexo o algo que tenga que ver con él. Hay tantas prescripciones sobre el tema que genera miedo, tensión, vergüenza, el que dirán, incomodidad y acaba en obsesión y en creerte lo que no eres.
Copio la última historia que me llega de un católico en la vida pública que da un ejemplo de profesionalidad para caerse de espaldas. Se añada a las que ya conocemos de María Menchaca, Saturio, Isabel Caballero...ánimo, a ampliar la lista que sois bastantes. Alejandro Menendez Martinez dijo... Ana, te dejo aquí mi historia con Enrique Rojas, Mi historia con Enrique Rojas por suerte fue muy breve, en marzo de 1989 yo era un adolescente de 14 años con problemas en casa, había pasado los anteriores 3 años interno y había boicoteado el internado a golpe de plantes y forzado mi vuelta a casa, mi madre que estaba preparando una oposición a judicaturas ya me advirtió que no podría ocuparse de mi y que tendría que no dar la lata Como la daba porque obviamente un adolescente requiere cierta atención y además yo no era muy obediente, cosa lógica dado que tampoco en casa miraban mucho para mi, mi madre buscaba una solución mágica que le permitiera tenerme tranquilo sin molestar mientr...
Copio del link al artículo de los que me envía Luis. Copio nombres, claro que el artículo es del año 2002. ¡10 años ya! yo voy a poner lo que sé cierto que pertenecen como numerarios, super, agregados o que son simpatizantes. Es muy diferente la implicación de cada una de estas categorías, lo que saben sobre el interior de la Obra Aznar o Ana Botella, simpatizantes, es prácticamente nada. Para el Opus Dei son gente poderosa interesante con la que llevarse bien, pero ni por asomo sabrán ni ellos ni sus hijos las tramas y líos internos Opus Dei. Hecha esta aclaración paso al listado. Se pide ayuda para completar
Easily one of the most disturbing and eyebrow raising associations Cercle had was with the notorious Chilean commune known as Colonia Dignidad (the Colony of Dignity, commonly referred to simply as the Colony). Founded in the early 1960s by German immigrants, the Colony allegedly sought to promote "traditional" Christian living via 1940s era clothing, abstaining from modern electric devices and 14 hour work days, among others things. Superficially at least the sect was supposed to be something akin to Mennonites. It was not long after the Colony's founding, however the dark rumblings of fugitive Nazis, elaborate torture centers and pedophilia began to emerge.
Here's a bit more about the background of the Colony and the man who founded it, Herr Paul Schafer:
"Paul Schafer was one of the founders of the Colony of Righteousness and was, and is, its only leader. Schafer jumped bail in Germany in 1961 on charges of child sexual abuse, but that did not stop him from taking a group of families with him when he fled to Chile, arriving there in 1962 at the age of 40 with around sixty 'blond, blue-eyed settlers'... including some children who were brought there under false pretenses, taken from their families back in Germany. His flock came from the town of Siegburg, across the Rhine from Bonn, where Schafer claimed to be a psychologist, and where he ran the youth home where the sexual-abuse charges originated. Schafer, also the leader of a Baptist sect (a sect which evidently condones sexual intercourse between adults and children among other peculiarities), bought an old ranch called El Lavafero about 250 miles south of Santiago in the Parral region and quickly converted it into a self-sufficient, model community known as Colonia Dignidad, the 'Colony of Righteousness' or 'Dignity Colony.'
"The population of the Colony eventually grew to about 350, composed of 250 adults and 100 children. According to reports in the Chilean and German press, the sexes are rigorously separated and sexual intercourse is forbidden (except, one gathers, at the discretion of Schafer). And since sex is prohibited, the only way the Colony has been able to increase its population has been by 'importing' children from Germany. German authorities have been investigating charges that from thirty to forty children reported missing from the Bonn and Cologne areas have wound up at the Colony. Thus, charges of both child abuse and international child abductions have been leveled at this remote cult community by eyewitnesses, escapees, and responsible members of the West German and Chilean governments. The parallels between Colonia Dignidad and the stories told by 'satanic cult survivors,' however, are even stronger...
"Accounts of the size of the Colony vary from news report to news report. Everything from 12,000 acres to 37,000 acres has been offered, and accounts of its operations also include a mine, a lumber mill, and a gravel factory. The author believes it is safe to say that the county has grown considerably over the years and that estimates of a 37,000-acre settlement might not be far from the mark, considering the other purposes to which the Colony was put both during and after the Allenda regime...
"... in 1966, the first of many accusations against Schafer and the Colony surfaced when Wolfgang Muller escaped the 'watchdogs, electronic alarms and six-foot barbed wire fences' to describe life inside the Colony. Muller – who had been brought over from Germany as a member of the original
Opus Dei, which was very closely aligned with Le Cercle (some have argued it in fact controls the group) had been active in Chile since the 1950s and, according to Robert Hutchison in Their Kingdom Come, were very close to Pinochet and his regime. I have not, however, found any direct links to the Colony.
By 1977 it was felt that Cercle's German wing should also become involved in promoting religious freedom in the Soviet Union. A group was formed for this purpose.
"The AESP and the ISC were not the only Cercle associates to support these campaigns; the Cercle's German friends also contributed. As we have seen, the German pillars of the Cercle throughout the 1970s had been Strauß's CSU, represented by Cercle/6I member Count Hans Huyn, and the Swiss group ISP, run by AESP partner Karl Friedrich Grau. In 1977, the Cercle's German friends set up a specialised group to support the campaigns on religious freedom being run by the ISC and the AESP – a German equivalent to the earlier British-based CSRC/Keston College.
También muy ligado a Dieter Blumenwitz, coautor de la Constitución de Pinochet, que trabajó para obstaculizar las denuncias de amnistía internacional de las violaciones de derechos humanos de la colonia dignidad.
La colonia dignidad estaba estrechamente relacionada con el pinochetismo, la operación condor, Nazis...,
Huyn era miembro de la academias pedófila AESP. Bossle estaba también en contacto con el 6l de Crozier, contestado a su vez con redes de pedofilia internacionales.
1977, the Cercle's German friends set up a specialised group to support the campaigns on religious freedom being run by the ISC and the AESP – a German equivalent to the earlier British-based CSRC/Keston College.
"This new group was the Brüsewitz Centre, a 'Christian' group whose aim was to 'publicise human rights violations and particularly the violations of the freedom of worship in the so-called German Democratic Republic'. The Brüsewitz Centre was named after Oskar Brüsewitz, an East German priest who burned himself alive in August 1976; the priest's widow tried in vain to prevent the group using his name. The founding body for the Brüsewitz Centre was the Christlich- Paneuropäische Studienwerk [Christian Paneuropean Study Group], founded in July 1977 and chaired by Otto von Habsburg's teenage daughter, Walburga von Habsburg (334)*. The Brüsewitz Centre's Board included several well-known faces: Habsburg, Huyn and Merkatz, all three CEDI members and early associates of the AESP. On the Board of the Brüsewitz Centre, we also find the Czech exile Ludek Pachmann, whom we have already met as a speaker for Grau's ISP in 1975-76 along with Habsburg and Huyn. Habsburg, Merkatz and Pachmann of the Brüsewitz Board would all also serve on the Board of Amnesty International's right-wing rival, the IGfM.
"The Brüsewitz Centre's Board also included five other Germans who would crop up in later Cercle operations in the 1980s..."
A much more compelling connection comes in the form of Reagan's first CIA director, the notorious William Casey. Casey, a former OSS man and Knight of Malta, was apparently held in high esteem by King. There have long been allegations that King was an agent of Casey.
"Direct ties of Larry King to persons and institutions active in Iran-Contra are a matter of public record. In 1987, according to the World Herald, King donated $25,350 to Citizens for America, a group that sponsored speaking tours for Oliver North and Contra leaders. CFA was a key public relations group for Iran-Contra; King was a founding member and one of its largest contributors.
"According to his May 22, 1989 interview with Omaha radio station KKAR, King was trying to bring North to Nebraska. A former security guard for King has sworn that he saw North attend at least one of King's parties, a party at which children were also present. Since he was stationed outside, he has no knowledge of what might have happened inside. 'I just thought it seemed kind of curious, the whole set-up,' he said.
"The man to whom Reagan offered the job - within days of his meeting with de Marenches - was someone the French spymaster approved of entirely: OSS veteran and NSIC co-founder William Casey. Thanks to Casey and others, the NSIC and the Cercle/6I would enjoy unbroken access to the highest levels of US policymaking even before the advent of the Reagan Administration. As well as having been Reagan’s election manager, Casey was also head of the Reagan transition team, particularly in the field of intelligence, where Casey was assisted by two former senior CIA officials as Special Advisors, 6I founding member Lieutenant-General Vernon Walters and longstanding ISC friend Ray S. Cline. The agenda for the incoming Reagan Administration had to a large extent already been mapped out in a 3,000-page list of policy recommendations published by the Heritage Foundation in January 1981 under the title Mandate for Leadership - its intelligence proposals had been drafted by NSIC Washington chief Roy Godson, Senate Intelligence Committee staffer and later NSIC and IEDSS author Angelo Codevilla, and Crozier's old associate and probable 6I founding member Herb Romerstein (412).
"Once in charge of the CIA, Casey would help to provide initial funding for the 6I's operations. Members of the 6I 'Politburo' also soon assumed high office: General Walters would act as Reagan's Ambassador at Large from 1981 to 1985, US Representative at the UN from 1985 to 1989, and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to West Germany from 1989 to 1991, whilst General Stilwell served from 1981 to 1985 as Reagan's Deputy Under-Secretary of Defence for Policy – despite the anodyne title, Stilwell was in reality charged with a fundamental reform of US special forces. Reagan also ensured contact with the Cercle and the 6I through an old Californian friend, William A. Wilson, whom Reagan also appointed as his personal envoy to the Vatican in February 1981 and full US Ambassador to the Holy See in March 1984, resuming US-Vatican diplomatic relations suspended since the early 1970s. Besides the channels to Reagan via Casey, Walters or Wilson, the Cercle/6I also liaised directly with Reagan's successive National Security Advisors, Dick Allen, William P. Clark, Bud McFarlane and Admiral Poindexter."
(Rogue Agents, David Teacher, pg. 193)
William Casey
So, to recap: Larry E. King indicated that he was a great admirer of William Casey and may even have been in regular contact with him while Casey was serving as the director of the CIA. According to John DeCamp, who is far from them sot credible source, King was also in close contact with close Casey aide, Max Hugel (Joseph Trento notes in Prelude to Terror that Casey was Hugel's sole patron in the CIA and had personally brought him in despite vigorous opposition from the rest of the Agency). Hugel was close to the Unification Church (as Cercle was by the late 1980s). He would attend a conference in North Korea in 1991 with Douglas MacArthur II, a man linked to terrorism and pedophile rings in Belgium. Many of his alleged contacts there were a part of the Academy, Cercle's primary Belgian wing. MacArthur II may also have been in contact with Robert Keith Gray, a close friend of fellow Nebraskan Harold Anderson, who was implicated in King's pedophile ring.
As was noted at the beginning of this section, Cercle's potential ties to Franklin are rather tenuous. But none the less, there does not seem to have been many degrees of separation between Casey and King's alleged pedophile ring on the one hand, and on the other between Casey and the Cercle pedophile rings.
If there was a tie between the Le Cercle rings and Franklin, was Casey then an agent of Le Cercle establishing a network similar to the ones in Belgium and Britain for influencing politics? Certainly being aware of politicians and key security figures in several major Western nations engaged in pedophile rings would be extremely comprising and would give Cercle almost total control over the figures they had implicated.
Let's begin with the Academy as it predated the 6I and has also been covered before on this blog in some detail. The Academy was a Brussels-based organization founded by Florimond Damman in 1969. Damman was the brother-in-law of Alain de Villegas, one of the eccentric "inventors" who had conceived of the "sniffer plane" that occupied so much of Jean Violet's time in 1970s (noted in part two). The Academy was born out of the CEPI/PEU network that Archduke Otto von Habsburg was the leading figure in (addressed before here and here). Damman had been active in such circles for several years before founding the Academy. Not long after its inception, it drew the attention of Jean Violet.
"... Damman would soon overcome the internal struggle within the AESP and expand its activities. At a symposium organised by Habsburg in Vienna in May 1969, Damman met Jean Violet (98)*. By October, Violet was looking for a group that could provide an operational framework for the Cercle Pinay, and thought of Damman and his AESP. On 21st October 1969, Violet wrote to Damman saying that he would like to meet him, having been 'mandated by President Pinay to carry out a study of European perspectives after the German elections' i.e. Willy Brandt's September election victory.
"The meeting took place one week later on 28th October in Brussels, where Violet was accompanied by two of his contacts, the first of whom was Marcel Collet, who had just retired as a director of Euratom. Violet's second companion was certain to ensure a favourable reception from Damman - none other than the International Secretary-General of the Paneuropean Union Vittorio Pons. Over lunch, Violet, Damman, Collet and Pons agreed on a new role for the AESP to act as a forum linking the PEU and CEDI under Habsburg and Sánchez Bella to the Bilderberg Group and Cercle Pinay, represented by Pinay and Violet. The revamped Academy would be run by Damman directed from behind the scenes by Violet and his trio of associates Collet, Father Dubois and François Vallet, an industrialist in pharmaceuticals. Violet announced that he would go to Pöcking, Habsburg's seat just outside Munich, to confer with the Archduke and Strauß about the financing of the AESP."
(Rogue Agents, David Teacher, pgs. 50-51)
So yes, there were certainly some figures with rather deep ties involved with the international leadership of the Academy from very early on. This trend would only get stronger once the Belgian section had been formalized.
"The operational core of the AESP, the Permanent Delegation, brought together the Belgian sections of the PEU, CEDI and WACL - the duo of Damman and de Marcken represented the PEU Central Council and the Belgian PEU section MAUE, whereas Vankerkhoven was Secretary of both the Belgian LIL chapter within WACL and the Belgian section of CEDI. CEDI's Belgian section was also represented within the AESP by its President, the Chevalier Marcel de Roover, a veteran anticommunist who had played a major part in the early post-war creation of two private anti-communist intelligence services linked to the Belgian Gladio network, Milpol and the Delcourt network. From the late 1950s on, de Roover had represented Belgium in various anti-communist networks that would later become formalised within WACL. He was also one of the earliest Belgians to frequent CEDI: he was appointed CEDI International Treasurer in January 1960 and founded its Belgian section in 1961, serving as its President until his death in 1971. Following de Roover's death, Vankerkhoven would take over Belgian representation within WACL and CEDI, being appointed Secretary-General of CEDI and moving its Belgian office into his Cercle des Nations (100)*.
"The most prominent Belgian members of the AESP however were Gaston Eyskens, the serving Belgian Prime Minister from 1968 to 1973, and his immediate predecessor as Prime Minister from 1966 to 1968, Paul Vanden Boeynants from the Parti Social Chrétien (PSC). Vanden Boeynants, or VdB as he is known, would become a national institution in Belgian politics - the Belgian Andreotti, going on to serve as Belgian Defence Minister from 1972 to 1979 and as Prime Minister in 1978- 79. He first entered politics at the age of 29 in the ranks of Retinger's European Movement. Before being elected to Parliament, he was one of the five Belgian representatives at the second conference of the Union of European Federalists, the most powerful group within the European Movement, held in Rome in November 1948 shortly after massive intervention by the CIA to ward off an electoral victory by the Socialist-Communist Popular Democratic Front in the April 1948 elections. As we will see below, one key Italian politician in this anti-communist propaganda effort would also figure amongst the AESP's members in 1970...
"Baron Benoît de Bonvoisin – "the Black Baron" - was at the time the most notorious patron of Belgian fascism and a key international linkman for the far Right. Perhaps because of his controversial connections, de Bonvoisin would not figure on any formal AESP or MAUE membership lists until after Damman’s death in 1979, however attending CEDI and AESP events from 1976 on..."
(Rogue Agents, David Teacher, pgs. 51-52)
then of course there is the fact that Crozier was involved with the Belgian AESP (Academy) group that happened to feature Paul Vanden Boeynants and Benoit de Bonvoisin, two powerful Belgians with extensive political connections (Vanden Boeynants was even the prime minister at one point) who have been repeatedly linked to pedophile rings in Belgium involving numerous politicians, intelligence officers and even the royal family (as noted before here).
Gee, that sure sounds a lot like the scandals currently unfolding in Britain...
And here is this mysterious international body, Le Cercle, that seemingly had ties to both the pedophile rings in Britain and Belgium. Indeed, both Brian Crozier and Jean Violet (who both had served as Cercle chairman at different ties) may have been deeply involved with both networks via the 6I and the Academy, which were essentially intelligence networks for Cercle. And that would mean that Cerlce's intelligence wing would be well positioned to, say, blackmail prominent politicians in either country....
All of this is rather curious and yet has largely flown under the radar of both of mainstream media as well as the "alternative." No doubt the exposurer of Monarch programming amongst British performers took precedence among the latter, though such "researchers" would stand a much better chance of finding credible evidence of some type of cult (or possibly multiple ones) in the Cercle complex. Still, its hard to ignore the Machiavellian mastermind
Pues el Retretes una vez que ha hecho el espantoso ridículo, libros incluidos, con sus análisis (cobrados de la embajada de Rusia en España donde es asiduo) políticos, militares, energéticos sobre la guerra en Ucrania, la que hoy 15 de agosto tiene perdida Putin (y hace un año también) , cambia de tercio y "aquí no he dicho nada "para seguir engañando a incautas y saca nuevos conejos de la chistera y a vivir del cuento..
Que reconozca las mentiras y pida perdón, eso es de honrados, de hombres y de militares, pero ni una de las 3 cosas el farsante este
Sarna con gusto no pica
Las Rozas con el megacomplejo de Hakuna...
Falta otro bastión de OD, Pozuelo. A los pozuelenses no es fácil encerrarlos